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  • WEBINAR: Mindful Mentoring
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  • WEBINAR: Mindful Mentoring

WEBINAR: Mindful Mentoring

  • Thursday, August 03, 2017
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Troutman Sanders - 222 Central Park Ave., #2000, Virginia Beach
  • 99


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Mentoring is an important element of retention in a law firm, and yet most firms devote little energy to it. In the context of developmental mentoring (cooperative or mentee-driven) relationships, a mentor must first know, understand and trust themselves before proceeding to develop an authentic relationship with a mentee. Only then can he or she focus on the wants and needs of the mentee. Mindfulness in this setting is nonjudgmental, present moment awareness.


•    Discover yourself and your mentee.
•    Recognize use of leverage.
•    Discuss realistic goal setting.
•    Identify ways to develop trust and deploy compassion.

Michèle Huff is currently Senior Associate University Counsel at the University of New Mexico where she specializes in intellectual property, research and technology law. She has practiced intellectual property and licensing law for the past 30 years. Huff is the author of The Transformative Negotiator: Changing the Way We Come to Agreement from the Inside Out.

Start Time:

August 03, 2017 3:00 PM Eastern

2:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Mountain, 12:00 PM Pacific

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