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  • WEBINAR: Best Practices in Using Billing and Invoicing as a Business and Client Development Tool
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  • WEBINAR: Best Practices in Using Billing and Invoicing as a Business and Client Development Tool

WEBINAR: Best Practices in Using Billing and Invoicing as a Business and Client Development Tool

  • Thursday, June 01, 2017
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Troutman Sanders - 222 Central Park Ave., #2000, Virginia Beach
  • 100


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This webinar will help you stay up-to-date on the best practices in billing and invoicing for business and client development purposes. Most lawyers do not embrace just how important billing and invoicing is to law firm clients. Learn how to make the most of billing and invoicing, which can save lawyers and law firms significant non-billable time, and improve collection times, realization and clients’ levels of satisfaction with the law firm and its services. Attendees will gain practical and useful strategies, tools, formatting, text and other useful billing and invoicing information, which can enhance attorney-client relationships and lead to new business opportunities.


  • Review best practices in billing and invoicing for business and client development purposes.

  • Outline how you, the lawyers in your firm and administrative staff members can make the most of billing and invoicing for client relationship and business development.

  • Discover practical, specific and useful strategies, formatting and text options, approaches and other useful billing and invoicing tools and information.

Jennifer Petrone Dezso is a Principal with the BTI Consulting Group. She leads a team of analysts in transforming competitive and market data into actionable recommendations. Drawing on primary research and secondary data sources, Dezso develops proven best practices and reliable performance metrics to drive business growth and motivate high-powered professionals to embrace change and enhance performance. She frequently presents and leads training on market trends, driving success in the future for law firms, and implementing best practices in client relationship development.

Julie Savarino is an attorney who holds an MBA in finance and marketing. She has served in-house as one of the first professional business developers for a major accounting firm as well as a business development director for a regional law firm. Savarino designed and taught one of the first law school courses on client relations and development. With more than 28 years’ experience and results, she is an internationally recognized expert in client and business development for lawyers, law firms, professional service entities and providers.


This Program is worth one hour of credit in:

CLM Application Credit: Info Technology

CLM App Management Category-Functional Specialist: Legal Industry Business Management

CLM Recertification Credit: Yes

California MCLE: Law Practice Management

MCLE/Other States: Credit may be available in other states but cannot be guaranteed. In all states, accreditation is dependent on individual state guidelines and filing regulations.

Formats Available: Webinar + Archive

Original Seminar Date: June 01, 2017

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