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  • WEBINAR: Survival and Best Practices for a Personal Injury Plaintiff Firm
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  • WEBINAR: Survival and Best Practices for a Personal Injury Plaintiff Firm

WEBINAR: Survival and Best Practices for a Personal Injury Plaintiff Firm

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2017
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Troutman Sanders - 222 Central Park Ave., #2000, Virginia Beach
  • 99


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Many personal injury plaintiff law firms are struggling and facing challenging times. Over the last few years, many firms have had to deal with the impact of tort reform, increased competition from other law firms doing extensive advertising, and weathering the last recession. As a result, personal injury plaintiff firms must reexamine their strategic options and refocus their firms.


  • Discuss general survival strategies.
  • Explain contingency fee profitability.
  • Review how to manage the pipeline and key metrics.
  • Identify ways to diversify your practice.

John W. Olmstead, MBA, PhD, is a Certified Management Consultant, author and President of Olmstead & Associates, Legal Management Consultants based in St. Louis. John has more than 47 years of experience working with law and other professional service firms. His assignments have ranged from marketing and strategic planning to other legal management engagements, including organizational change, firm governance, succession and exit planning, implementation of technology, financial management, staff development, partner compensation, and practice management.

CLM Application Management Category - Functional Specialist: Legal Industry / Business Management

CLM Recertification Credit: Yes

California MCLE: Law Practice Management

MCLE/Other States: Credit may be available in other states but cannot be guaranteed. In all states, accreditation is dependent on individual state guidelines and filing regulations.

Formats Available: Webinar + Archive
Original Seminar Date: March 21, 2017

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