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  • WEBINAR: Employee Morale and Engagement: Unlocking Your Firm's Full Potential by Focusing on Strengths

WEBINAR: Employee Morale and Engagement: Unlocking Your Firm's Full Potential by Focusing on Strengths

  • Wednesday, February 15, 2017
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Troutman Sanders - 222 Central Park Ave., #2000, Virginia Beach
  • 98


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Creating a positive work environment is not difficult, but it does require effort and intentional planning. Understanding the unique abilities of your employees is the first step in this process. The results of the Clifton StrengthsFinder® assessment — a feedback tool used by more than 14 million individuals — helps people clearly recognize what they do best. Once managers and employees understand the talents of their team, the hidden potential of the team can be uncovered and ignited. Learn how your firm can build morale and engagement using this proven process of strengths feedback and coaching. 


  • Recognize the power of focusing on employees’ strengths, not their deficiencies. 

  • Demonstrate the important financial outcomes related to having engaged employees. 

  • Summarize how focusing on strengths is directly connected to increasing engagement.

  • Discuss how to create a culture that supports a strengths-based, engaged workplace. 

Sarah Robinson is an organizational development expert, Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and the best-selling author of Unstuck At Last: Using Your Strengths to Get What You Want. In 2013, Robinson became the first of seven consultants worldwide to be certified by Gallup as an Individual and Team Coach using the Clifton StrengthsFinder® assessment. Her company, Fresh Concepts, helps individuals and corporate clients fully maximize their potential to achieve their goals.

CLM App Management Category-Functional Specialist: Human Resource Management

CLM Recertification Credit: Yes

California MCLE: Law Practice Management

MCLE/Other States: Credit may be available in other states but cannot be guaranteed. In all states, accreditation is dependent on individual state guidelines and filing regulations.

Formats Available: Webinar + Archive
Original Seminar Date: February 15, 2017

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