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  • WEBINAR:Access to Relevant Prior Art

WEBINAR:Access to Relevant Prior Art

  • Tuesday, February 14, 2017
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Troutman Sanders - 222 Central Park Ave., #2000, Virginia Beach
  • 100


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Description: During this session, USPTO will discuss the Access to Relevant Prior Art project, providing an overview of the project; an update on application case studies; an update on internal and external stakeholder feedback to date; and next steps for the project.


Learning Objectives:

1.       Obtain overview about the USPTO Access to Relevant Prior Art project

2.       Understand the expected value to internal and external stakeholders and have the opportunity to provide input and feedback to the project team

3.       Learn about the progress to date on the project and the next steps


Jessica Patterson currently serves as a Program Manager in the Office of International Patent Cooperation, overseeing the implementation of key initiatives in support of the organization. In addition, Patterson is the Manager of the Global Dossier program, a complex, strategic initiative modernizing the international patent system by providing cutting-edge services for all stakeholders. She also served as President of the USPTO's Asian Pacific American Network, a voluntary employee organization comprised of more than 800 members.


Michael Neas is the Deputy Director of the International Patent Legal Administration (formerly PCT Legal) at the United States Patent & Trademark Office.  Mr. Neas’ staff provides training on the filing and prosecution of PCT and U.S. national stage applications to inventors, applicants, patent practitioners and paralegals.  His staff also provides training on the PCT to patent examiners and paralegals at the USPTO and provides direct assistance on PCT and U.S. national stage applications via the PCT Help Desk.  Mr. Neas’ duties also include resolving legal issues involving the PCT, including petitions to the Commissioner in PCT and U.S. national stage applications.  Mr. Neas also participates in international meetings and projects such as PCT Reform, PCT Working Group, Meetings of International Authorities, Patent Prosecution Highway and Trilateral and IP5 Cooperation.  Mr. Neas has spoken extensively on the PCT to organizations such as the AIPLA, local bar associations and foreign IP Offices. Mr. Neas came to the USPTO in 1989 as a patent examiner.  He became a Special Programs Examiner in PCT Legal in 2000 and took his current position in 2006.  Mr. Neas has a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from North Carolina State University.

CLM Application Management Category - Functional Specialist: Legal Industry / Business Management

CLM Recertification Credit: Yes

California MCLE:Law Practice Management

MCLE/Other States: Credit may be available in other states but cannot be guaranteed. In all states, accreditation is dependent on individual state guidelines and filing regulations.

Formats Available: Webinar + Archive
Original Seminar Date: February 14, 2017

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